
奧克蘭民居賞櫻 Cherry trees on Torrance Street

奧克蘭民居賞櫻 Torrance Street

南北半球氣候相反,正當亞洲秋意漸濃,紐西蘭才剛剛踏入春天。大地回暖繁花開,在奧克蘭最令人期待的,也許是櫻花。奧克蘭最廣為人知的賞櫻地點,分別是中央公園Auckland Domain、Cornwall Park及植物公園Botanic Garden。然而,在民居你亦不難發現櫻花蹤跡。這些櫻花有些是市政府種的,有的是居民自種(一般以華人及日本人為主),也有些是鳥兒送來的禮物。

今次Roxie在Epsom往Hillsborough的主要道路Pah Road 旁的小街道,Torrance Street發現為數約二十多株的兩大排櫻樹,目測樹齡約三十年以上,強壯而茂盛,以淡粉紅色的吉野櫻為主,亦夾雜數株白妙櫻。由於此街輕微向上斜,較容易拍得櫻花連綿不斷的感覺。

The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere; while the Northern Hemisphere is enjoying the cool dry autumn, Spring flowers have just began to blossom in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere. And for me, the most anticipating flowers would be those of the cherry trees. There are three popular places in Auckland where you can see cherry blossom – the Auckland Domain in the city centre, the Cornwall Park in Green Lane and the Botanic Garden in Manurewa; but of course, cherry blossoms are not only found in parks, they are also found in some residential areas. Today when I was driving from Epsom to Hillsborough on Pah Road, I found about twenty magnificent cherry trees growing along the Torrance Street. These are mature Yoshino cherries estimated to be about thirty year-old. If you are in the area, please do not forget to stop and enjoy this beautiful scene.

地點 Location:Torrance Street, Epsom, Auckland 



瘋旅子Roxie 像風一樣的女子:走在香港大都會,總是疾風上路。 身處紐西蘭生活:像瘋子般旅遊着,這是生活,是工作是日常。 前旅遊記者,來去如風的日子,癲狂的旅遊。 年華逝去的八十後,高不成低不就,沒有偉大志向,只想及時行樂。 出走香港,走遊列國,最終當戶紐西蘭,成為職業導遊司機。 不要臉地自稱:紐西蘭旅遊達人。 其實….我是想向你說說關於紐西蘭的事,因為這個地遠 太遠、太美、太不可思議了。 職業:自由撰稿人/紐西蘭導遊/司機 Blog: http://fulokjourney.com Page: www.facebook.com/FulokJourney

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